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How Sugar Affects Your Brain


How Sugar Affects Your Brain

We all know that eating too much sugar is bad for you, however, most people don’t realize just how much sugar is hidden in everyday foods and what impact it has on your brain, feelings, and overall health. Courtesy of TedED.

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How Much Salad Should I Eat?


How Much Salad Should I Eat?

How much salad should we eat per day? It’s more than what you think? The average person should be consuming 5 to 10 cups per day. You may think that you can skip the salad and go straight to vitamin supplements, smoothies, and shakes. Don’t do it! Nothing can replace the nutrients contained in real […]

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Mold Movie


Mold Movie

Common symptoms of Mold exposure and toxicity: GENERAL: insomnia, fatigue, hair loss, weight gain or loss, sweet cravings, light sensitivity, poor depth perception, memory loss, intolerant of fragrances and chemicals, nose bleeds NEUROLOGIC: headaches of all types, including “icepick” (stabbing) headaches, “brain fog,” numbness, tingling, weakness, tremor, nerve pain, dizziness MUSCULOSKELETAL: joint and muscle pain, […]

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